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Resource Profiling and FPS Tracking

Kano provides classes for monitoring system resource usage (CPU and RAM) and tracking frames per second (FPS). The following classes are included:

  • FPSCounter: A class that tracks frames per second (FPS) for a given application.
  • ResourceProfiler: A class that monitors system resource usage (CPU and RAM) at regular intervals and optionally logs the data to a CSV file.
  • FPSProfiler: A subclass of ResourceProfiler that also tracks FPS and logs it along with CPU and RAM usage.


Source code in kano\lab\
class FPSCounter:
    def __init__(
        self, start_when_init=True, fps_print_cycle=None, prefix_fps_print=""
        Initializes the FPSCounter instance.

            start_when_init (bool): Whether to start counting FPS immediately upon initialization.
            fps_print_cycle (float or None): The interval (in seconds) at which FPS will be printed.
            prefix_fps_print (str): A prefix string to include in the FPS print statement.
        self.start_time = None
        self.total_frames = 0
        self.last_print_time = None
        self.fps_print_cycle = fps_print_cycle
        self.prefix_fps_print = prefix_fps_print
        if start_when_init:

    def start(self):
        Resets the FPS counter and starts the time tracking.

        Initializes the start time and sets the total frame count to 0.
        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.last_print_time = self.start_time
        self.total_frames = 0

    def update(self):
        Updates the FPS counter by incrementing the frame count and optionally printing the FPS.

        If the frame count exceeds 1,000,000, the counter is reset.
        If `fps_print_cycle` is set, the FPS is printed at the specified interval.
        if self.total_frames > 1_000_000:
            self.total_frames += 1

        if self.fps_print_cycle is not None:
            elapsed_time = time.time() - self.last_print_time
            if elapsed_time >= self.fps_print_cycle:
                print(f"{self.prefix_fps_print} FPS: {int(self.get_fps())}")

    def get_fps(self):
        Get the current FPS (frames per second).

        Calculates FPS as the total number of frames divided by the elapsed time.

            float: The calculated FPS, or 0 if the counter has not started.
        if self.start_time is None:
            return 0
        elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time
        if elapsed_time == 0:
            return 0
        fps = self.total_frames / elapsed_time
        return fps

    def keep_target_fps(self, target_fps):
        Ensure the FPS stays below or at the target FPS by adjusting the sleep time.

            target_fps (float): The target FPS to maintain.
        current_fps = self.get_fps()
        if current_fps > target_fps:
            sleep_time = self.total_frames / target_fps - (
                time.time() - self.start_time
            if sleep_time > 0:

__init__(start_when_init=True, fps_print_cycle=None, prefix_fps_print='')

Initializes the FPSCounter instance.


Name Type Description Default
start_when_init bool

Whether to start counting FPS immediately upon initialization.

fps_print_cycle float or None

The interval (in seconds) at which FPS will be printed.

prefix_fps_print str

A prefix string to include in the FPS print statement.

Source code in kano\lab\
def __init__(
    self, start_when_init=True, fps_print_cycle=None, prefix_fps_print=""
    Initializes the FPSCounter instance.

        start_when_init (bool): Whether to start counting FPS immediately upon initialization.
        fps_print_cycle (float or None): The interval (in seconds) at which FPS will be printed.
        prefix_fps_print (str): A prefix string to include in the FPS print statement.
    self.start_time = None
    self.total_frames = 0
    self.last_print_time = None
    self.fps_print_cycle = fps_print_cycle
    self.prefix_fps_print = prefix_fps_print
    if start_when_init:


Get the current FPS (frames per second).

Calculates FPS as the total number of frames divided by the elapsed time.


Name Type Description

The calculated FPS, or 0 if the counter has not started.

Source code in kano\lab\
def get_fps(self):
    Get the current FPS (frames per second).

    Calculates FPS as the total number of frames divided by the elapsed time.

        float: The calculated FPS, or 0 if the counter has not started.
    if self.start_time is None:
        return 0
    elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time
    if elapsed_time == 0:
        return 0
    fps = self.total_frames / elapsed_time
    return fps


Ensure the FPS stays below or at the target FPS by adjusting the sleep time.


Name Type Description Default
target_fps float

The target FPS to maintain.

Source code in kano\lab\
def keep_target_fps(self, target_fps):
    Ensure the FPS stays below or at the target FPS by adjusting the sleep time.

        target_fps (float): The target FPS to maintain.
    current_fps = self.get_fps()
    if current_fps > target_fps:
        sleep_time = self.total_frames / target_fps - (
            time.time() - self.start_time
        if sleep_time > 0:


Resets the FPS counter and starts the time tracking.

Initializes the start time and sets the total frame count to 0.

Source code in kano\lab\
def start(self):
    Resets the FPS counter and starts the time tracking.

    Initializes the start time and sets the total frame count to 0.
    self.start_time = time.time()
    self.last_print_time = self.start_time
    self.total_frames = 0


Updates the FPS counter by incrementing the frame count and optionally printing the FPS.

If the frame count exceeds 1,000,000, the counter is reset. If fps_print_cycle is set, the FPS is printed at the specified interval.

Source code in kano\lab\
def update(self):
    Updates the FPS counter by incrementing the frame count and optionally printing the FPS.

    If the frame count exceeds 1,000,000, the counter is reset.
    If `fps_print_cycle` is set, the FPS is printed at the specified interval.
    if self.total_frames > 1_000_000:
        self.total_frames += 1

    if self.fps_print_cycle is not None:
        elapsed_time = time.time() - self.last_print_time
        if elapsed_time >= self.fps_print_cycle:
            print(f"{self.prefix_fps_print} FPS: {int(self.get_fps())}")


Source code in kano\lab\
class ResourceProfiler:
    def __init__(
        self, interval_seconds, pid=None, csv_path=None, csv_minutes=5
        Initializes the ResourceProfiler instance.

            interval_seconds (float): The interval in seconds between each resource update.
            pid (int or None): The process ID to monitor, or None to monitor the current process.
            csv_path (str or None): Path to a CSV file to save resource data, or None to skip saving.
            csv_minutes (int): The number of minutes of data to retain in the CSV file.
        self.interval_seconds = interval_seconds
        self.last_update_time = time.time()
        if pid:
            self.current_process = psutil.Process(pid)
   = pid
            self.current_process = psutil.Process()
   = os.getpid()
        self.csv_path = csv_path
        self.csv_minutes = csv_minutes
        self.time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

    def update_csv(self, current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib):
        Update the CSV file with the current resource usage.

            current_time (float): The current timestamp.
            cpu_percent (float): The current CPU usage as a percentage.
            ram_mib (float): The current RAM usage in MiB.
        if os.path.isfile(self.csv_path):
            df = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path)
            df = df[df["time"] > current_time - self.csv_minutes * 60]
            df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["time", "cpu_percent", "ram_mib"])

        new_line = {
            "time": current_time,
            "cpu_percent": cpu_percent,
            "ram_mib": ram_mib,

        df.loc[len(df)] = new_line
        df.to_csv(self.csv_path, index=False, header=True)

    def get_current_info(self):
        Get the current process resource usage (CPU and RAM).

            tuple: A tuple containing the current timestamp, CPU usage percentage, and RAM usage in MiB.
        current_time = time.time()
        cpu_percent = self.current_process.cpu_percent()
        ram_mib = self.current_process.memory_info().rss / 1024**2
        return current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib

    def update(self):
        Update the resource usage information and optionally print it.

        If the interval has elapsed, the current CPU and RAM usage will be printed.
        If a CSV path is specified, the data will be written to the CSV file.
        current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib = self.get_current_info()
        if current_time - self.last_update_time >= self.interval_seconds:
                f"PID: {} - CPU Usage: {cpu_percent}% - total RAM: {ram_mib:.2f} MiB"
            self.last_update_time = current_time
        if self.csv_path:
            self.update_csv(current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib)

    def _profiling(self):
        Continuously profiles the resources at the specified interval.

        This method runs in a separate thread and continuously updates the resource usage.
        while True:
            current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib = self.get_current_info()
            if current_time - self.last_update_time >= self.interval_seconds:
                    f"PID: {} - CPU Usage: {cpu_percent}% - total RAM: {ram_mib:.2f} MiB"
                self.last_update_time = current_time
            if self.csv_path:
                self.update_csv(current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib)

    def start_profiling_thread(self):
        Start a separate thread for continuous resource profiling.

        The thread runs the `_profiling` method to collect and display resource usage.
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self._profiling)

__init__(interval_seconds, pid=None, csv_path=None, csv_minutes=5)

Initializes the ResourceProfiler instance.


Name Type Description Default
interval_seconds float

The interval in seconds between each resource update.

pid int or None

The process ID to monitor, or None to monitor the current process.

csv_path str or None

Path to a CSV file to save resource data, or None to skip saving.

csv_minutes int

The number of minutes of data to retain in the CSV file.

Source code in kano\lab\
def __init__(
    self, interval_seconds, pid=None, csv_path=None, csv_minutes=5
    Initializes the ResourceProfiler instance.

        interval_seconds (float): The interval in seconds between each resource update.
        pid (int or None): The process ID to monitor, or None to monitor the current process.
        csv_path (str or None): Path to a CSV file to save resource data, or None to skip saving.
        csv_minutes (int): The number of minutes of data to retain in the CSV file.
    self.interval_seconds = interval_seconds
    self.last_update_time = time.time()
    if pid:
        self.current_process = psutil.Process(pid) = pid
        self.current_process = psutil.Process() = os.getpid()
    self.csv_path = csv_path
    self.csv_minutes = csv_minutes
    self.time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"


Get the current process resource usage (CPU and RAM).


Name Type Description

A tuple containing the current timestamp, CPU usage percentage, and RAM usage in MiB.

Source code in kano\lab\
def get_current_info(self):
    Get the current process resource usage (CPU and RAM).

        tuple: A tuple containing the current timestamp, CPU usage percentage, and RAM usage in MiB.
    current_time = time.time()
    cpu_percent = self.current_process.cpu_percent()
    ram_mib = self.current_process.memory_info().rss / 1024**2
    return current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib


Start a separate thread for continuous resource profiling.

The thread runs the _profiling method to collect and display resource usage.

Source code in kano\lab\
def start_profiling_thread(self):
    Start a separate thread for continuous resource profiling.

    The thread runs the `_profiling` method to collect and display resource usage.
    thread = threading.Thread(target=self._profiling)


Update the resource usage information and optionally print it.

If the interval has elapsed, the current CPU and RAM usage will be printed. If a CSV path is specified, the data will be written to the CSV file.

Source code in kano\lab\
def update(self):
    Update the resource usage information and optionally print it.

    If the interval has elapsed, the current CPU and RAM usage will be printed.
    If a CSV path is specified, the data will be written to the CSV file.
    current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib = self.get_current_info()
    if current_time - self.last_update_time >= self.interval_seconds:
            f"PID: {} - CPU Usage: {cpu_percent}% - total RAM: {ram_mib:.2f} MiB"
        self.last_update_time = current_time
    if self.csv_path:
        self.update_csv(current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib)

update_csv(current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib)

Update the CSV file with the current resource usage.


Name Type Description Default
current_time float

The current timestamp.

cpu_percent float

The current CPU usage as a percentage.

ram_mib float

The current RAM usage in MiB.

Source code in kano\lab\
def update_csv(self, current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib):
    Update the CSV file with the current resource usage.

        current_time (float): The current timestamp.
        cpu_percent (float): The current CPU usage as a percentage.
        ram_mib (float): The current RAM usage in MiB.
    if os.path.isfile(self.csv_path):
        df = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path)
        df = df[df["time"] > current_time - self.csv_minutes * 60]
        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["time", "cpu_percent", "ram_mib"])

    new_line = {
        "time": current_time,
        "cpu_percent": cpu_percent,
        "ram_mib": ram_mib,

    df.loc[len(df)] = new_line
    df.to_csv(self.csv_path, index=False, header=True)


Bases: ResourceProfiler

Source code in kano\lab\
class FPSProfiler(ResourceProfiler):
    def __init__(
        Initializes the FPSProfiler instance, extending ResourceProfiler to track FPS.

            interval_seconds (float): The interval in seconds between each resource update.
            pid (int or None): The process ID to monitor, or None to monitor the current process.
            csv_path (str or None): Path to a CSV file to save resource and FPS data.
            csv_minutes (int): The number of minutes of data to retain in the CSV file.
            target_fps (float or None): The target FPS to maintain.
        super().__init__(interval_seconds, pid, csv_path, csv_minutes)
        self.fps_counter = FPSCounter()
        self.target_fps = target_fps

    def update_csv(self, current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps):
        Update the CSV file with the current resource usage and FPS.

            current_time (float): The current timestamp.
            cpu_percent (float): The current CPU usage as a percentage.
            ram_mib (float): The current RAM usage in MiB.
            fps (int): The current frames per second.
        if os.path.isfile(self.csv_path):
            df = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path)
            df = df[df["time"] > current_time - self.csv_minutes * 60]
            df = pd.DataFrame(
                columns=["time", "cpu_percent", "ram_mib", "fps"]
        new_line = {
            "time": current_time,
            "cpu_percent": cpu_percent,
            "ram_mib": ram_mib,
            "fps": fps,
        df.loc[len(df)] = new_line
        df.to_csv(self.csv_path, index=False, header=True)

    def get_current_info(self):
        Get the current resource usage and FPS.

            tuple: A tuple containing the current timestamp, CPU usage percentage, RAM usage in MiB, and FPS.
        current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib = super().get_current_info()
        fps = int(self.fps_counter.get_fps())
        return current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps

    def update(self):
        Update the resource usage and FPS information, printing and saving to CSV if applicable.

        If the interval has elapsed, the current CPU, RAM, and FPS usage will be printed.
        If a CSV path is specified, the data will be written to the CSV file.
        If a target FPS is defined, attempts to maintain the target FPS.

            tuple: A tuple containing CPU usage percentage, RAM usage in MiB, and FPS.
        current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps = self.get_current_info()
        if current_time - self.last_update_time >= self.interval_seconds:
                f"PID: {} - CPU Usage: {cpu_percent}% - total RAM: {ram_mib:.2f} MiB - FPS: {fps}"
            self.last_update_time = current_time
        if self.csv_path:
            self.update_csv(current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps)
        if self.target_fps:
        return cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps

__init__(interval_seconds, pid=None, csv_path=None, csv_minutes=5, target_fps=None)

Initializes the FPSProfiler instance, extending ResourceProfiler to track FPS.


Name Type Description Default
interval_seconds float

The interval in seconds between each resource update.

pid int or None

The process ID to monitor, or None to monitor the current process.

csv_path str or None

Path to a CSV file to save resource and FPS data.

csv_minutes int

The number of minutes of data to retain in the CSV file.

target_fps float or None

The target FPS to maintain.

Source code in kano\lab\
def __init__(
    Initializes the FPSProfiler instance, extending ResourceProfiler to track FPS.

        interval_seconds (float): The interval in seconds between each resource update.
        pid (int or None): The process ID to monitor, or None to monitor the current process.
        csv_path (str or None): Path to a CSV file to save resource and FPS data.
        csv_minutes (int): The number of minutes of data to retain in the CSV file.
        target_fps (float or None): The target FPS to maintain.
    super().__init__(interval_seconds, pid, csv_path, csv_minutes)
    self.fps_counter = FPSCounter()
    self.target_fps = target_fps


Get the current resource usage and FPS.


Name Type Description

A tuple containing the current timestamp, CPU usage percentage, RAM usage in MiB, and FPS.

Source code in kano\lab\
def get_current_info(self):
    Get the current resource usage and FPS.

        tuple: A tuple containing the current timestamp, CPU usage percentage, RAM usage in MiB, and FPS.
    current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib = super().get_current_info()
    fps = int(self.fps_counter.get_fps())
    return current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps


Update the resource usage and FPS information, printing and saving to CSV if applicable.

If the interval has elapsed, the current CPU, RAM, and FPS usage will be printed. If a CSV path is specified, the data will be written to the CSV file. If a target FPS is defined, attempts to maintain the target FPS.


Name Type Description

A tuple containing CPU usage percentage, RAM usage in MiB, and FPS.

Source code in kano\lab\
def update(self):
    Update the resource usage and FPS information, printing and saving to CSV if applicable.

    If the interval has elapsed, the current CPU, RAM, and FPS usage will be printed.
    If a CSV path is specified, the data will be written to the CSV file.
    If a target FPS is defined, attempts to maintain the target FPS.

        tuple: A tuple containing CPU usage percentage, RAM usage in MiB, and FPS.
    current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps = self.get_current_info()
    if current_time - self.last_update_time >= self.interval_seconds:
            f"PID: {} - CPU Usage: {cpu_percent}% - total RAM: {ram_mib:.2f} MiB - FPS: {fps}"
        self.last_update_time = current_time
    if self.csv_path:
        self.update_csv(current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps)
    if self.target_fps:
    return cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps

update_csv(current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps)

Update the CSV file with the current resource usage and FPS.


Name Type Description Default
current_time float

The current timestamp.

cpu_percent float

The current CPU usage as a percentage.

ram_mib float

The current RAM usage in MiB.

fps int

The current frames per second.

Source code in kano\lab\
def update_csv(self, current_time, cpu_percent, ram_mib, fps):
    Update the CSV file with the current resource usage and FPS.

        current_time (float): The current timestamp.
        cpu_percent (float): The current CPU usage as a percentage.
        ram_mib (float): The current RAM usage in MiB.
        fps (int): The current frames per second.
    if os.path.isfile(self.csv_path):
        df = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path)
        df = df[df["time"] > current_time - self.csv_minutes * 60]
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=["time", "cpu_percent", "ram_mib", "fps"]
    new_line = {
        "time": current_time,
        "cpu_percent": cpu_percent,
        "ram_mib": ram_mib,
        "fps": fps,
    df.loc[len(df)] = new_line
    df.to_csv(self.csv_path, index=False, header=True)