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Computer Vision Utilities

Kano currently offers classes for handling YOLO-formatted datasets, one of the most commonly used formats in Object Detection tasks. With the YoloImage and YoloDataset classes, developers can load, explore, merge, split, and rename their datasets. Here are some examples:

Test demo with Google Colab here: Open In Colab

YOLO-formatted dataset tasks


A valid YOLO-formatted dataset will have a folder tree like this

    ├─ train
    |  ├─ images
    |  |  ├─ image1.jpg
    |  |  └─ ...
    |  └─ labels
    |     ├─ image1.txt
    |     └─ ...
    ├─ valid (optional)
    ├─ test (optional)
    └─ data.yaml (must include a list of classes names inside "names" field)

Load and show a YOLO image

from kano.dataset_utils import YoloImage

label_dict = {0: "dog"}
image_path = "/content/dog_detection/train/images/dog_1_jpg.rf.dc6fff7fee9b6fb637b890b8387c6ce0.jpg"
image = YoloImage(image_path, label_dict)

# or you can get the annotated image and show
from kano.image import show_image

annotated_image = image.get_annotated_image()


Original image: original image

Annotated image: annnotated image

Load and show summary of a YOLO dataset

from kano.dataset_utils import YoloDataset

dataset_path = "/content/cat_detection"
dataset = YoloDataset(dataset_path)

# print summary information

# plot sample images


Summary dataset cat_detection:
- Classes:  ['cat']
- Subsets:
  + train: 1 images
  + test: 1 images
- Total images: 2
show sample images

Merge datasets

When merging datasets, the names are also merged and reindexed alphabetically. The training images will be saved in the train folder, and similarly for the validation and test folders.

from kano.dataset_utils import YoloDataset

datasets_paths = ["cat_detection", "dog_detection"]
merged_dataset_path = "animals_detection"

YoloDataset.merge_datasets(datasets_paths, merged_dataset_path)



Input datasets:
Summary dataset cat_detection:
- Classes:  ['cat']
- Subsets:
  + train: 1 images
  + test: 1 images
- Total images: 2
Summary dataset dog_detection:
- Classes:  ['dog']
- Subsets:
  + train: 1 images
  + valid: 1 images
- Total images: 2
Merged dataset:
Summary dataset animals_detection:
- Classes:  ['cat', 'dog']
- Subsets:
  + train: 2 images
  + valid: 1 images
  + test: 1 images
- Total images: 4

merged image

Split train, validation, test datasets

from kano.dataset_utils import YoloDataset

dataset = YoloDataset("animals_detection")
dataset.split("splitted_dataset", ratios=[0.4, 0.3])


Summary dataset animals_detection:
- Classes:  ['cat', 'dog']
- Subsets:
  + train: 2 images
  + valid: 1 images
  + test: 1 images
- Total images: 4
Summary dataset splitted_dataset:
- Classes:  ['cat', 'dog']
- Subsets:
  + train: 1 images
  + valid: 1 images
  + test: 2 images
- Total images: 4

Rename classes

Classes can be removed by renaming to None.

from kano.dataset_utils import YoloDataset

renamed_dataset_path = "renamed_dataset"
renaming_dict = {"cat": "animal", "dog": None}

dataset = YoloDataset("animals_detection")
dataset.rename_classes(renamed_dataset_path, renaming_dict)

renamed_dataset = YoloDataset(renamed_dataset_path)


Summary dataset animals_detection:
- Classes:  ['cat', 'dog']
- Subsets:
  + train: 2 images
  + valid: 1 images
  + test: 1 images
- Total images: 4
Classes after renaming: ['animal']
Summary dataset renamed_dataset:
- Classes:  ['animal']
- Subsets:
  + train: 2 images
  + valid: 1 images
  + test: 1 images
- Total images: 4


Object Detection tasks

Draw bounding box

You can add label for the bounding box. Current supported types of box are xyxy, xywh, s_xywh (scaled xywh).

import cv2
from kano.image import show_image
from kano.detect_utils import draw_bbox

image_path = "/content/dog_detection/train/images/dog_1_jpg.rf.dc6fff7fee9b6fb637b890b8387c6ce0.jpg"
image = cv2.imread(image_path)

label = "a cute dog"
bbox = [112, 326, 980, 827]

annotated_image = draw_bbox(image, bbox, bbox_type="xyxy", label=label, bbox_color=(0, 0, 255))


image with box